Wednesday, May 13, 2009

End of the Year Festivities!

Hello All,

I liked Ms. Tracy's idea of a picnic.

But instead of one person bringing all the food, I thought that we could all bring our own food and meet somewhere outside. 

And so:


You are all cordially invited to:


Who: Everyone who is eligible to post on this blog.

What: A Post-Rhetoric Celebration

When: Friday, May 15th @ 7:00pm

Where: Memorial Glade

Why: To get a few extra hours for revisions, of course!

Bring: A to-go box with your dinner in it, and possibly a blanket to sit on.

*To-go box means that you actually went somewhere and bought food with the intention of eating it with us! And no leaving once you turn in your paper!


(Ben and Hui-Hui:

If you would so kindly distribute this invitation to all worthy recipients, I would be much obliged.)

Hope to see you there! Good luck with finals!

Your Earnest Party Planner,

Ms. Cohen


  1. I think this invitation is missing an elegant cover design.

  2. awww man... i thought Ben and Hui Hui was gonna hook us up with some bomb dinner.... :'(

  3. I think we're going to need nametags.
    First name nametags.

    Or, we can all get big cerise ID badges that read "Hi! My Name Is Arnold Snarb! And I'm Lookin' For A Good time!"


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